TTI Research Scientist
Transportation PlanningTexas A&M Transportation Institute
801 Cherry Street, Suite 850
Fort Worth, TX 76102
(817) 462-0516
[email protected]
- M.C.R.P, University of Texas at Arlington, 1994
- B.S., Geology, Texas A&M University, 1979
Short Biography
John Overman is a research scientist with the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) in Arlington, Texas. He has 25 years of experience in transportation planning, programming and project management working with federal, state, local governments and transportation agencies. He is a certified instructor for the National Transit Institute (NTI) and National Highway Institute (NHI) and has delivered more than fifty courses on statewide, metropolitan transportation planning, and transportation programming across the country at a variety of state DOTs, transit agencies and metropolitan planning organizations. In 2009, he was invited by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) along with other transportation experts to teach at the Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority in Mumbai, India.
Mr. Overman’s recent projects include assessing alternatively fueled/electric bus fleets, project development and readiness, integrating right-of-way and environmental processes; and estimating air quality and environmental project impacts. He has participated as a researcher for NCHRP projects and a panelist for the TCRP. Mr. Overman has prepared numerous guidebooks and conducted training related to transportation planning, environmental processes, project development, assessment, readiness, and compliance. (Expanded resume at